200hr Trauma Informed Yoga Training
Yoga Alliance Accredited
Are you prepared to heed your heart's calling and embark on a journey of personal transformation?
Delve into powerful tools for profound personal growth.
embark on the path to becoming a Registered Yoga Teacher with Yoga Alliance.
Unlock the transformative potential of yoga.
Immerse yourself in a supportive and inclusive yoga community.
Acquire invaluable insights that enrich both your yoga journey and your life.
Seek a deeper understanding of yoga's relationship with trauma and its healing potential.
Embrace the powerful tools for personal growth that await you.
Whether you're eager to deepen your own practice or pursue a career as a yoga instructor, Our Trauma Informed 200hr Yoga Training is designed to empower and guide you every step of the way.
If you're excited about transformation and prefer hands-on learning in a supportive environment, training at Sangha is the experience you’ve been searching for.
Transformation blossoms through disciplined effort.
Throughout our journey together, you'll not only deepen your yoga practice and learn to teach yoga. As you immerse yourself in our training, you'll acquire invaluable tools to gracefully navigate life's challenges with resilience and poise. This program is wholly devoted to fostering your personal growth while empowering you to guide others along their transformative paths.
Develop a deeper comprehension of trauma and its multi-dimensional impact on physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
Enhance your understanding of how practices such as asana, pranayama, meditation, and lifestyle adjustments serve as catalysts for transformation and holistic well-being.
Explore the various layers of existence—physical, energetic, mental/emotional, intuitive, and bliss bodies—and learn to harmonize them through holistic space holding.
Acquire practical techniques to support system regulation, cultivate body awareness, and foster compassionate communication.
The Curriculum
Fundamental Yoga Techniques
You will learn the methodologies of yoga that assist us in building skills that build resilience, compassion, and self confidence; including postures, breathwork, and other techniques. You’ll gain a deep understanding of how to safely and effectively move into and cue asana (postures) in proper biomechanical alignment to serve the physical and energetic health. In this way, your students will reap the benefits of your additional training, allowing you to share your gifts in a powerful way.
Yoga Philosophy for Modern Living
Diving into Yamas and Niyamas and ancient yogic texts for wisdom on modern living; understanding the 8 Limbed (Ashtanga) path of yoga as a method leading to immersion into the God state in this life; explore the power of meditation in uncovering clarity and peace.
Anatomy and Physiology
Understand what trauma is and how it manifests in the body and mind. Explore the major muscles of the physical yoga practice and systems of the body, from a Western perspective. Develop an understanding of kinesiology and how it can deeply support your practice and teaching. Discover the Chakras, Koshas, Nadis and other elements of Yogic Anatomy and how to restore health in these subtle energetic systems with the practical tools of yoga.
Begin to understand Yoga's sister science of Ayurveda. Learn about your unique body composition and how Ayurveda can help you support and balance your mental, physical, and spiritual health.
Yoga Teacher Methodology
After completing this program, you will have the skills needed to teach a variety of student types from a trauma informed perspective. You’ll know how to properly sequence a vinyasa-based class with confidence; effectively hold space for personal transformation; and speak to a variety of learning styles for optimal growth.
Business Principles, Strategies, and Tactics
With refreshingly concrete insights, you’ll develop confidence on how to move forward professionally.
Understand Reiki, it’s connection to Yoga, and the ability to use it for yourself. Reiki is a modality widely used in both holistic clinics and traditional western medical facilities. As an energetic modality, it’s a perfect complement to your training. If you decide you want to go even deeper, you’ll have the option of continuing with Reiki Level 2(a one day training) for a discounted rate.
Reflections From Past Students
Meet our Lead Instructor!
Kandice Shaw
Founder, Sangha by Ritual Collective, E-RYT, Reiki Master Teacher, Holonic Professional, Ayurvedic Consultant
Kandice Shaw has devoted over 20 years to studying Yoga, Ayurveda, herbalism, and holistic wellness. An E-RYT200 with Yoga Alliance and a Reiki Master Teacher, she offers 200-hour trainings, Reiki Level 1 and 2, and advanced education in Yoga and Ayurveda. Kandice hold certificates in many specialized forms of yoga including Prana Flow, Prenatal Yoga, and Children’s Yoga.
A trauma-informed, holonic practitioner, Kandice uses her knowledge of plants, Yoga, Ayurveda, the human biofield, and Reiki to help clients build resilient, nourished nervous systems and create aligned, healthy lives. She is dedicated to fostering environments where growth and self-acceptance flourish. Her mission is to cultivate a heart-led community that offers the benefits of positive fellowship and Yoga beyond Asana, believing that inclusivity is essential to lifelong wellness.
Kandice's dedication to being both student and teacher has led her to study with teachers worldwide. In rural Cambodia, she learned the true essence of Seva while working with school children. In the jungles of Peru, she deepened her connection to the spirit of cacao, guided by great wisdom keepers. At the foot of the Himalayas in India, she was blessed to study with her teachers, Adi Shakti and Yogrishi Vishvketu, in Rishikesh.
As the creator of the Platinum Triangle Process and Cardinal Alchemy, Kandice continues to refine her approach to wellness, integrating her global experiences and advanced training into her practice. Her unique gift lies in helping clients appreciate their journey, alchemize their experiences, and celebrate their evolution.
Kandice brings a strong, positive, and welcoming presence to every practice and event she leads. She takes time to let each person who joins know that they are welcome, important, and good enough no matter where they are on their journey. Kandice has the unique ability of helping students feel great about where they are and wonderful about their growth.
Learn more about Kandice
Kandice talks yoga and reiki with Jill Turner on the Grow Yourself, Grow Your Sales podcast
Written Features
As featured in Bold Journey - “Stories to inspire you to pursue your passion and support those who are doing so themselves.”
An interview for CanvasRebel - “creating a space for artists, creatives and entrepreneurs to be able to learn from their peers through the magic and power of storytelling.”
Included In Your Course Fee
Class manual
10 classes at Sangha
(valid from the time you register until training begins)
Unlimited studio membership
(valid from the first month of training through our final class session)
Reiki Level 1 Training with optional Level 2 add on
2025 - 2026 Dates
September 20th, 2024 - March 9th, 2025
Seven Monthly, In Person Weekends and Weekly Online, Tuesday Meetings
IN Person Weekends
Saturdays and Sundays - 8:00am - 7:00pm
September 20, 21
October 18, 19
November 15, 16
December 13, 14
January 24, 25
February 21, 22
March 21, 22
Online Tuesday Meetings
Weekly: 6:00pm - 8:30pm CST
breaks during the weeks of Christmas and New Years
Self Study Time
Students in the program must complete at least 20 teacher lead practice hours outside of our time together.
Study materials have been curated to encourage living Yoga during our six months. Required reading and study time is intended to be between 4 and 8 hours each week depending on individual.
If you would love to join us but don’t want to make the long drive daily on our in person weekends, this option is for you. We have a limited number of beds available in a home reserved for use only by 200hr students at Sangha. This is a beautiful chance to immerse yourself fully in the experience each weekend. Lodging is located approximately 1.5 miles from the studio. The lodging total cost of training with lodging is $3600. Meals are not included in lodging rates, but the home has a full kitchen for you to use. Message us for more info on lodging!
Tuition Options
With lodging $3833
Commuter Rate $3333
Reserve your space
Deposit counts toward total tuition
$500 deposit required.
We are accepting a limited number of students for this cohort.
Need more details? Message us with questions or to set up a call!
Ready to invest in your growth?
Other Important Information
Not included in your program fee:
Required reading: The total cost of purchasing additional reading material on Amazon is currently under $125 (if selecting used)
Meals and lodging - if you are interested in lodging we have a limited number of beds available in our Sangha home. This home is reserved for use only by students at Sangha it is located approximately 1.5 miles from the studio. Meals are not included in lodging rates, but the home has a full kitchen for you to use. Total cost of program with lodging is $3833.00
All payments are non refundable.
If you are unable to complete your training, you will have the option to enroll in our next session for an additional fee.
You must be paid in full to receive your certificate. If you are opting for a payment plan, you will receive your official certificate upon completion of the course or once your final payment is made, whichever is later.