Classroom Atmosphere
Excited about your first visit? We are too!!
To insure the best possible experience all classes must be registered for and paid for in advance. Registration closes 1 hour prior to class beginning.
Please arrive 10 minutes before your schedule class time.
Take a tour of the facility, sign any necessary documents, and allow yourself some time before class begins.
We are located just off of Main Street at 105 East Oakland Avenue, Austin, MN 55912
Classroom atmosphere
Shoes and cell phones should not be brought onto the practice floor. If there is a special circumstance and you need your phone, please talk your teacher prior to class.
Students should be respectful and quiet during the class.
Students under 15 can attend class with a parent. They will be asked to sit toward the back of the room so they can step out or occupy themselves when needed.
We provide a judgment free space for people to experience connected, joyful movement, and all the benefits that come with it. Each of us will look and feel different in different postures. Comparison is discouraged. A good attitude is required
What to bring
light, breathable clothes